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Sports - General Physiotherapy
AlterG - Anti Gravity Treadmill
Shockwave Therapy


10 years of Shockwave Therapy at BT Physiotherapy

Sunshine Coast Physiotherapy Service


Specialised & Comprehensive 

A Genuine Commitment To Your Recovery

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy since 2013, 

For Pain Management & Mobility Restoration

Exercise Physiology

Rehabilitation, Strength,

Mobility, Function, Life

Men's Health

Answering The Hard Question 

 Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie's Disease & Incontinence

Massage Therapy

A Tranquil Experience,

Through Caring Hands 


Defy Gravity - Defy Limits

Anti Gravity Treadmill


Low FodMaps, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Coeliac Disease, Super Weight Loss Management

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy

Turning Low Intensity Exercise 

Into High Intensity Training

​​Our Physiotherapy service is perfect for all muscular, joint and postural issues, from stiff necks to sore knees, painful heels and everything in between. We take the time to understand why you are experiencing discomfort and use our experience and expertise to formulate a plan to get you back to your best.

We pride ourselves on our team of expert physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, remedial massage therapists and dietitian, our state-of-the-art technology and our commitment to superior service. All staff at BT Physiotherapy Sunshine Coast, also known as BT Sports & Health Centre is dedicated to providing the best service possible based on extensive knowledge, many years of experience, up-to-date treatment techniques and cutting-edge technology.

We work comprehensively, under consideration of all factors contributing to your condition. We believe in progress and are always sourcing new evidence based treatment techniques aiming to provide the best outcome. Trusted by doctors and specialists we have your physical & mental well-being as our priority.

BT Physiotherapy is a highly advanced clinic in Australia, offering radial Shockwave Therapy in Mudjimba. We have refined and advanced this evidence-based treatment technique over the last 10 years. We are achieving fantastic results with a growing variety of pathologies.


Furthermore we are the only clinic on the Sunshine Coast offering AlterG (also known as 'cloud running') with NASA technology for lower limb rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation, athlete's training and weight loss.


Mudjimba, 679 David Low Way

ph. 07 5448 8755 fax 07 5448 9504

Bli Bli, 2L 310 David Low Way

ph. 07 5448 6552 fax 5448 9504

Nambour has moved to our Bli Bli location

ph. 07 5441 6355 fax 5448 9504



Years of Experience


Smiling  Clients

Silhouette of happy business team making high hands in sunset sky background for business

Our genuine commitment to your recovery




NASA Technology helping you to rehab faster, safer and more efficient. 

Mobility Changer.

Confidence Changer.


recovered runner on the street

Patient Feedback

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Absolutely awesome with the best up to date technology and treatment from Uwe! Highly recommended and the AlterG allows running at as low as 20% body weight!!!) perfect for injuries and rehab!!!

- Rebekah Keat,

Prof. Triathlete & Ironman Winner

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Thanks for the shockwave therapy Uwe! Thanks for having the latest and greatest so close!

- Laura Reback Bennett,

US Olympian & Prof. Triathlete 

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Great physio team. Uwe, Angela and the staff are always helpful and friendly and have been a huge help in my long recovery.  A very professional and friendly team.

- L. Graham, Caloundra


 Mudjimba  & Bli Bli 

Ph. +61 7 5448 8755

Fax +61 7 5448 9504








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